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Do You Need An Annual Physical?

The annual physical is a time-honored tradition. It makes you feel good to check in with your doc, right? Well, it's time to rip off the Band-Aid and get rid of those time-consuming appointments. Study after study shows healthy adults don't benefit from that yearly visit -- and it may even lead to unnecessary tests. Now, don't get me wrong, you still need your doctor. You just don't need to pick a random date on the calendar for no particular reason. Instead, focus on the important health screenings and tests you need to stay healthy -- services that may even be available to you at no additional cost. Like blood pressure and cholesterol checks. Even young adults in their 20s need those. And women still need Pap smears. When you hit 50, schedule your colon cancer screening. There are many reasons -- life-saving reasons -- to see your doctor. And of course, if you have a medical condition, you'll probably see your doc more than once a year anyway. If you just can't give up that annual check-in, use it to talk to your doctor about wellness … steps you can take to get healthier. Now that's a good use of your time! For WebMD, I'm Dr. Michael Smith.

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Dr. Michael Smith

The annual physical is a time-honored tradition. It makes you feel good to check in with your doc, right? Well, it's time to rip off the Band-Aid and get rid of those time-consuming appointments. Study after study shows healthy adults don't benefit from that yearly visit -- and it may even lead to unnecessary tests. Now, don't get me wrong, you still need your doctor. You just don't need to pick a random date on the calendar for no particular reason. Instead, focus on the important health screenings and tests you need to stay healthy -- services that may even be available to you at no additional cost. Like blood pressure and cholesterol checks. Even young adults in their 20s need those. And women still need Pap smears. When you hit 50, schedule your colon cancer screening. There are many reasons -- life-saving reasons -- to see your doctor. And of course, if you have a medical condition, you'll probably see your doc more than once a year anyway. If you just can't give up that annual check-in, use it to talk to your doctor about wellness … steps you can take to get healthier. Now that's a good use of your time! For WebMD, I'm Dr. Michael Smith.

Preventive Care, Annual Physicals: What's The Big Deal?

There's a lot of talk lately about the importance of preventive care and getting your annual physical. For starters, preventive care and annual physicals play an important role in your overall health and wellness and provides you with the first line of defense against any unforeseen medical issues. Plus, preventive care is FREE under all Purdue medical plans. This includes your annual physical and other preventive screenings – such as blood pressure, type 2 diabetes screening, cholesterol and lipid level, mammogram – as well as an annual flu vaccine. For more information on preventive care, Anthem provides a list that outlines preventive care services.

Yearly physical examinations can be performed at the Center for Healthy Living on Purdue's West Lafayette campus and include well-woman, well-man and well-child checks. Both physicians and nurse practitioners can perform annual physicals and record biometrics. Employees are also able to have their physicals and biometrics completed with their community provider should they choose. Those who have yet to establish with a primary care provider are welcome to do so with a physician or nurse practitioner at the Center for Healthy Living.  Keep in mind, completing an annual physical with biometrics screening is part of the 2019 Healthy Boiler Wellness Program, and you can earn $325 simply for doing so.

And there's an important reason that the university is offering you the opportunity to get paid for taking part in these important preventive measures.  

 "It's such a proactive move for individuals to take the time to have their yearly physicals and other preventive exams performed," said Ronald Shelton, MD, medical director at the Center for Healthy Living. "Preventive services, such as physicals and biometrics, give patients and physicians alike the information needed to make the best plan of action when it comes to short- and long-term health and wellness. Early detection, if applicable, as well as identifying those who are at high risk for a disease, allows time to implement the needed lifestyle changes, preventive steps and / or treatment that is needed to provide the healthiest life possible."  

The bottom line is that getting and staying healthy is the best way to get in front of diseases that could become chronic.

According to Candace Shaffer, director of benefits in Human Resources, the goal is for all employees to get their annual physicals, either at the center or at their community provider's office.

"Annual physicals are the best way for employees to know where they stand in regards to their overall health and wellness," Shaffer said. "We want our employees to seek out preventive care and get their annual physicals in order to be the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves possible. The on-site center in West Lafayette provides convenience and great services, but we also understand that some employees have longstanding relationships with their outside providers. Many local in-network physicians are also available to support the health of our employees. Our goal is making sure employees are utilizing preventive care services wherever it makes the most sense for them. And with the Healthy Boiler Wellness Program incentives up for grabs again for 2019, it gives an added bonus to having a physical and biometrics screening performed."

The center offers many no-cost wellness options  to compliment primary care services – regardless of where that care is provided. The center works collaboratively with outside providers to ensure the best care possible for their patients. Telephonic wellness programs also are available to employees at the regional campuses as well as extension employees. To learn more, call the center at 765-494-0111.

Any questions can be directed to Human Resources at 765-494-2222, toll free at 877-725-0222 or via email at hr@purdue.Edu.

Frequently Asked Questions


In 2024, funds can be earned through a variety of steps – Step 1 (completing your annual physical) must be completed before payment for other objectives will be paid; however, you may complete the steps in whatever order works best for you. Employees also have the option of completing additional steps to increase the incentive payment.

  • Employee only coverage can earn up to $450 in incentive dollars by completing both steps
  • Employee + Spouse coverage can earn up to $900 in incentive dollars if both employee and spouse complete both steps
  • Employee + Family coverage can earn up to $900 in incentive dollars if both employee and spouse complete both steps
  • Employee + Children coverage can earn up to $900 if employee completes both steps

    See the Earn Incentives web page for details and information.

    Who is eligible to participate in the program?

    All benefits-eligible employees as well as spouses covered under one of the Purdue health plans (Premier CDHP, Standard CDHP, Limited CDHP).

    Are dependent children eligible to participate?

    No, only benefits eligible employees and spouses covered under one of the Purdue health plans are eligible.

    If I am not on Purdue's medical plans, am I eligible to participate in the incentive program?

    Yes, non-medical participants are eligible to participate.

    Are graduate staff, LTDs, or retirees eligible to participate?

    No, only benefits eligible employees and spouses covered under one of Purdue's health plans are eligible.

    I plan to retire in 2024, can I continue in the Healthy Boiler Wellness Program after retiring?

    Once retired, you are not eligible to participate in the Healthy Boiler program.

    If you have completed activities and are entitled to the incentive money, we will open a HRA account for the remainder of 2024 with the monies earned.  The account will close after 2024.

    Can a RIF employee earn their Healthy Boiler incentive during their 120 layoff period?

    Yes, if the RIF employee is employed and on benefits they are eligible to earn the Healthy Boiler incentive.

    Enrollment What is the plan year?

    The program year runs from January 1 to December 31, 2024. The deadline for completing, uploading and submitting information to the Healthy Boiler Program to earn incentive funds is December 31, 2024.

    How do we enroll for the Incentive program?

    After the employee has registered on the wellness portal, completion of the objectives will "enroll" the employee into the incentive program.

    How does my spouse enroll?

    After the spouse has registered on the wellness portal, completion of the objectives will "enroll" the spouse into the incentive program.

    How does my spouse register? Where can I go for more information on the Healthy Boiler Wellness Incentive program? Where do I go once I am logged into the portal? How do I track each step? HSA & HRA How much money can I earn? Refer to the Earn Incentives web page. How will I receive the incentive dollars?

    Payment is made by the end of the month following the month in which you complete the program requirements.  If at the time of payout, you are currently receiving contributions to an HSA, the funds will be deposited into your account.

    If you are not receiveing contributions to an HSA, at the time of payout, the funds will be deposited into your HRA.  If you do not already have an HRA, Purdue will open one for you.

    What is an HRA?


    An HRA is a Health Reimbursement Arrangement. HRAs are similar to healthcare flexible spending accounts (FSA). The funds in this account can be used for qualified medical, vision, prescription, OTC, and dental expenses. You may use your HSA Bank debit card to pay for them or you may pay out-of-pocket and request reimbursement.

    How does the HRA get set up?


    For those who are not eligible to receive contributions to an HSA and have not aleady enrolled in an HRA, an HRA will be opened automatically by Purdue following the monthly incentive pay schedule if you have completed the program requirements. The HRA will be usable back to Jan. 1 or your benefits-eligibility date (e.G. Hire date) - whichever is later.

    When do HRAs open?

    1/1, or the benefits-eligibility/hire date of an individual, whichever is later.

    How will employees access HRA funds? See "Accessing your Funds" on the HRA page. When will I receive the incentive dollars I have earned?

    The month after you complete the requirements, incentive funds will be received by the end of the day (11:59 p.M.) on the business day following your last pay date of the month for HSAs and for HRAs, funds will be received by the end of the month. A report in aggregate will be provided to Human Resources indicating how much each person should receive based on completed items. Human Resources will not receive any personal health information related to your incentive completion.

    Ex) A person with an HSA who fulfills the wellness program requirements by the end of April, including submitting their information in the Healthy Boiler Portal, will receive incentive dollars by the end of the day (11:59 p.M.) on the business day following their last pay date in May. A person with an HRA would receive their funds by the end of May.

    For those who complete the requirements in December, a payout will be made the following January.

    For HSAs, contributions will apply to the same tax year in which they are paid, meaning the payout will apply to the new tax year's contribution limits set by the IRS. The exception to this is if an employee completes the program requirements in December but terminates before the new tax year – their contribution would post in January but would be applied to the prior tax year.

    For HRAs, the account will open as of January 1 of the new plan year.  The exception to this is if an employee terminates before the new plan year – their HRA would open as of January 1 (or their eligibility date) of the prior plan year, would close as of their date of termination, and they'd have 90 days from the closure to file claims for reimbursement.

    Do these funds roll over into the next year? If you have an HSA, yes the funds will roll over.

    If you have an HRA, no. You will have until the end of the year (or termination/loss of benefits date) to incur eligible expenses and 90 days from December 31 (or termination/loss of benefits date) to submit claims for reimbursement.

    Do the HSA contributions received by the incentive program apply to our annual maximum contribution limit?

    HSA:  Yes. Contributions will apply to the same tax year in which they are paid and therefore must adhere to that tax year's HSA contribution limits which are set by the IRS.  The exception to this is if an employee completes the program requirements in December but terminates before the new tax year – their contribution would post in January but would be applied to the prior tax year.

    Wellness HRA: No. Employees may not contribute to HRAs; therefore, there is no maximum.

    What if the additional HSA contribution exceeds the maximum?

    It is your responsibility to ensure any contributions you receive to an HSA do not exceed your maximum limit for the year.  Funds contributed in excess of your contribution limit and the earnings on those funds are subject to penalty and tax.  We encourage you to speak to a tax advisor should you find yourself over the limit.

    If I terminate before I receive the incentive monies from completed Healthy Boiler activities, will I still receive payment?

    Yes.  If you were receiving contributions to an HSA from Purdue prior to termination, your earned funds will be deposited into your HSA for the tax year in which you completed the program requirements (including completion in December).  If not, an HRA will be opened for you back to Jan. 1 of the year in which you terminated (or your benefits-eligibility/hire date, whichever is later) to incur eligible expenses until your termination and you will have 90 days from your date of termination to file claims for reimbursement.

    What if I completed the incentive activities but did not receive the monies correlated with the tasks? Contact hr@purdue.Edu for questions about payment. If my spouse has a HRA, can I receive funds into my HSA?

    Funds will be deposited into an account based whether or not you can receive contributions to an HSA; however, it is your responsibility to ensure you are eligible to receive the funds. Purdue does not know employees' spouses' situation (such as account and health plan participation, which may negatively impact employees' HSA eligibility). The IRS prohibits spouses from receiving contributions to an HSA and being covered by an HRA at the same time.

    Can I upload my spouse's Healthy Boiler incentive activities into my account?

    No. Spouse's need to register for their own account on the Healthy Boiler in order to receive credit for completed activities.

    What if I complete the program requirements at the end of a year (in December)?

    HSA: Funds will be posted to your HSA by the end of January and will apply to the new tax year's contribution limits set by the IRS. The exception to this is if an employee terminates before the new tax year – their contribution would post in January but would be applied to the prior tax year.

    HRA: Funds will be posted to your HRA by the end of January for use in the new plan year only. If you don't have an HRA, one will be opened for you and will be usable back to Jan. 1. The exception to this is if an employee terminates before the new plan year – their HRA would open as of January 1 (or their eligibility date) of the prior plan year, would close as of their date of termination, and they'd have 90 days from the closure to file claims for reimbursement.

    Provider, Annual Physical, Biometrics and Preventive Screenings What constitutes an annual physical?

    The annual physical is a comprehensive exam that is prevention focused, not problem focused. Typically the exam is performed by your primary care provider and includes the following:

  • Past medical, social and family history
  • Complete physical exam and review of body systems
  • Review of medications
  • Immunizations
  • Counseling/anticipatory guidance/risk factor reduction interventions
  • Review of age/gender appropriate screening tests
  • What if I already had my annual physical and biometrics?

    To qualify for the incentive, your physical and biometrics will need to have been completed between January 1 and December 31. You are eligible to get a physical even if it hasn't been a full year since your last physical.

    Will a health screening at a health fair count for the incentive?

    No. The biometrics form needs to be completed by your provider as part of the annual routine physical. If your provider is willing to sign off on the biometric form from the health fair that was not completed by him/her, it would be accepted. All biometrics must be included.

    Will my Mammogram, Colonoscopy, or Pap smear count as my annual physical?

    No, a mammogram, colonoscopy, or a Pap smear are typical testing that can be a part of your annual physical but does not count as receiving a complete physical.

    Are the annual physical and biometrics' covered by our insurance?

    Yes, both are considered preventative. Preventatives are no cost to the employee.

    What is included in a biometric screening?

    Biometric tests required include:

  • Blood Draw for Cholesterol (TC), HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Glucose, A1C and Triglycerides
  • Blood Pressure
  • Height/Weight/Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • You will need to download the Healthy Boiler Center for Healthy Living Provider Screening form and take it with you to your annual physical. You can find this form on the Healthy Boiler portal, www.Healthyboiler.Com. Your primary care provider will need to sign it including the values before you upload it to the Healthy Boiler portal as documentation of completing this step.

    What if my primary care provider wants to charge me to complete the biometrics form?

    Typically, a provider will complete the form including values as part of your physical but some may charge a fee. You can inquire about your provider's policy when scheduling your appointment. The Center for Healthy Living will not charge for the routine physical and completion of the biometrics form.

    What will the biometrics be used for and who can see them?

    The information from your physical and the results from your biometric screening will be used by the Center for Healthy Living to provide you with information to help you understand your current health and potential risks, and may also be used to offer you services through the wellness program, such as, but not limited to health coaching, medication therapy or weight management. You also are encouraged to share your results or concerns with your own primary care provider. The only individual(s) who will receive your personally identifiable health information is One to One Health physicians, nurse practitioners, and pharmacist, dietitian or health coaches in order to provide you with services under the wellness program.

    Will I have to use a sick day for a doctor's appointment that is during work hours?

    Yes, sick leave is most appropriate for a doctor's appointment during work hours.

    Where do I find the Physical and Biometric form?

    A link to the physical form is available on the left side of this web page. In addition, you can access the form  once you log into the portal and click on the "Annual Physical" tile.

    My provider will not arrange for a physical until it has been a full calendar year. How can I receive credit for this incentive?

    We are trying to work with community providers, but we cannot control their internal policies. The Center for Healthy Living is able to provide annual physical and biometric exams at any time. HR benefits, regionally or locally, are able to provide a letter from Anthem stating the policy that you can share with your PCP.

    Where can I receive a preventive screening listed under step 2 for the Healthy Boiler incentive?

    It is recommended to speak with your PCP regarding assistance on where employees can receive a preventive screening.

    What if I completed one of the preventive screenings in 2023, will it count for 2024 incentive?

    No, all screenings, including annual physical and biometrics, must be completed between January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024.

    Some of the preventive screenings are not recommended to be completed annually. What should I do if I am not due for a certain screening?

    There are multiple preventive screening options to be completed. Please choose a different screening that falls within your age group to submit.

    I do not get my annual physical exam each year until October, am I not eligible for any of the other incentives until then?

    You are able to complete the incentives at any time during the year but you will not be paid out until the annual physical has been completed and submitted within the portal. Once this has been done you will be paid out for all incentives that have been submitted within the portal.

    Are all the preventive screenings listed in step 2 paid for by our Purdue Medical Plans?

    No, not all screening are paid for 100% by the Purdue Medical Plan.

    I receive a mammogram each year but it is not considered a "preventive screening" due to previous medical history. Because it is considered diagnostic, am I still eligible to earn the incentive dollars for the Healthy Boiler program?

    Yes, you would be eligible for the incentive dollars for the Healthy Boiler program. The screening itself is still considered "preventive

    Wellness Activities How do I integrate my wireless tracking device (ex: Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin, etc) with the Healthy Boiler wellness portal?

    To sync your device, log into the Healthy Boiler portal and click on "Device" in the top navigation. Follow the prompts to sync your device or preferred app.

    FAQ will continually be updated based on incoming questions.


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