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primary and specialty care of warren :: Article Creator

Clinical Facilities

Outpatient care is provided at The Kirklin Clinic at UAB, a large, state-of-the-art facility which opened in 1992. It is a specially designed center for outpatient care housing more than 600 physicians in 35 specialties. The mission is to serve health care needs with compassion, dedication and excellence. The staff of the Kirklin Clinic combine clinical care with teaching and research to produce an environment that is in the best interest of the patient. The Kirklin Clinic is a member of the UAB Health System, whose physicians and programs have gained national and international recognition for their excellence.

The Kirklin Clinic (an inside view shown to the right) is the outpatient practice facility for the Heersink School of Medicine at UAB containing outpatient clinics for neurologic subspecialties such as epilepsy, neuromuscular disease, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, neuro-oncology, and behavioral neurology, as well as stroke. 

The university is very proud of The Kirklin Clinic, a spacious facility inside and out, designed by architect I. M. Pei. It has over 22,000 neurology ambulatory visits annually.

Primary Care Track

The Saint Louis University Internal Medicine Residency Program's mission is to train great internists in a positive environment while maintaining focus on collaborative care, and keeping the patient as the center of daily work.

Mission Statement

The primary care track strives to provide additional experience for residents focused on clinic-based careers, especially in primary care general internal medicine with a focus on developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead effective healthcare teams in managing a primary care panel as well as to educate patients and other learners. We aim to develop physicians who treat the individual patient with an eye on maintaining the health of the population they are charged with caring for.


Graduates of the Saint Louis University Internal Medicine Primary Care Track will practice exceptional evidence-based medicine; they will be recognized as effective teachers in the clinic; they will be adept at identifying problems and developing solutions to improve healthcare systems; and they will use those skills to improve the health of their communities.

Most of all, our graduates will be recognized locally and nationally for their ability to manage patient populations to improve the care of the patient through leading multidisciplinary teams. The program is ideal for residents interested in pursuing a career in academic general internal medicine.

Applying to the Track

We will plan to recruit a new resident into the track each year. For more information on the primary care track, please contact Paul Kunnath, M.D. At paul.Kunnath@health.Slu.Edu.

Program Overview

Residents in the primary care track will have a dedicated three-month block during each year of their residency devoted to developing their ambulatory medical practice in clinic settings while spending didactic time developing skills in clinic-based quality improvement, teaching in the clinic and exposure to multidisciplinary teams.


Participants in the primary care track will engage in the following experiences:

  • Ambulatory Medicine Block: along with expanded continuity clinic for their own panels, residents will have weekly clinic experience in the following specialties:
  • Endocrinology
  • Gynecology
  • Sports medicine
  • Weight/metabolism
  • Dermatology
  • Additional experiences based on resident needs
  • Monthly didactics focused on outpatient focused topics including:
  • Billing and coding
  • Managing patients with different care levels including home health, assisted living etc
  • Teaching in the clinic
  • Collaborating with advanced practice providers
  • Collaborate on a year-long quality improvement project
  • Objectives

    Below are the objectives that graduates will accomplish upon completion of this track. 

    Clinical Practice
  • Develop specialty-level experience with routine conditions encountered in the primary care setting
  • Demonstrate proficiency in routine clinic based procedures
  • Embrace a growth mindset by actively seeking feedback and consistently striving for improvement.
  • Quality Improvement
  • Identify quality gaps in the primary care clinic
  • Develop an improvement plan with a focus on measurable outcomes
  • Demonstrate proficiency in collaborative quality improvement
  • Career and Professional Development
  • Develop a frameworks for teaching in the clinic setting
  • Establish practice patterns for successful primary care practice
  • Explore and develop individual professional identity
  • Current Residents
  • PGY 2 - Adam Streicher
  • PGY 3 - Andrea Philip
  • PGY 3 - David Hannibal

  • Primary Care Optometry

    Location: UAB School of OptometryProgram Stipend: $46,205. Eligible for health benefits, and professional liability insurance included.

    The Residency in Primary Care Optometry provides advanced clinical training to post-graduate optometrists. This residency's comprehensive didactic experience, strong clinical foundation in primary eye care, and flexible system of rotations in other specialty areas of optometry allow residents upon completion of the program to pursue professional opportunities which require a high level of clinical expertise, such as academia or specialty private practice.

    Current Resident in Primary Care Optometry Contact

    Janene Sims, OD, PhD, FAAOSupervisor, Residency in Primary Care OptometryThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    The Residency in Primary Care Optometry provides the optometrist with a broad base of experience in all areas of general practice. Residents are provided clinical educational experiences with an emphasis in primary eye care and other specialty areas selected by the resident. The program primarily involves direct patient care by the resident, but clinical supervision of students and teaching in clinical laboratories are also incorporated into the program.


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