Give the gift of a flu-free holiday season: Here's where you can get the flu vaccine shot - TCPalm

In 2019, less than 40% of Florida adults said they'd gotten their flu shot in the past year.

Show Caption
  • CDC urges everyone 6 months and older to get their annual flu shot
  • Free flu shots available to children under 18
  • Flu/pneumonia deaths in Florida have declined since 2000

If you missed the Florida Department of Health's "vaccine before Halloween" memo, fear not; there's still time to get your annual flu shot.

The next best thing is to "pass the turkey, not the flu" and get immunized before traveling and gathering with loved ones over Thanksgiving. But what matters most is getting your flu shot as soon as possible — before an outbreak occurs.

It takes about two weeks after vaccination for your immune system to build up antibodies against influenza viruses, said Renay Rouse, spokesperson for the DOH office in Martin County.

► Adult flu vaccine rate: Florida ranks second-lowest in U.S.

► CDC Director Walensky: Flu shot 'doubly important' in 2021

► 1918 pandemic: Florida woman who lived during Spanish flu turns 104

"You need to get these shots in advance, so that they'll work up in the system," she said. "You need to be starting this process now and not waiting 'til the last minute."

Too often, people don't take action until the flu is rampant in their community, Rouse said. Here is a comprehensive guide to protecting yourself and others from the flu through immunization.

How is the flu different from a cold?

Both the flu and the common cold are contagious respiratory infections that produce similar symptoms, but there are key differences between them. 

A host of different viruses — such as rhinoviruses, parainfluenza and seasonal coronaviruses (not to be confused with SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19) — may prompt a cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Cold symptoms manifest gradually, and typically are mild. A stuffy nose, store throat and sneezing are the most common. Rarely do colds cause significant health problems. 

Influenza viruses cause the flu, which is more severe than a cold and can even be deadly. Flu symptoms overwhelm a patient suddenly and may include aches, fever, fatigue, headache, chills and coughing.

While the CDC acknowledges it's sometimes impossible to differentiate between a cold and the flu based on symptoms alone, urgent care clinics and other providers offer rapid flu tests.

Who is at high risk of severe flu infection?

Anyone can become infected with an influenza virus, which primarily is transmitted through droplets when a sick person speaks, sneezes or coughs within 6 feet of another person.

Children under 5, adults over 64 and pregnant people are particularly susceptible to severe flu infection. Those with the following conditions also are among the CDC's list of high-risk groups:

  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes (types 1 and 2, or gestational)
  • Heart disease
  • Neurologic conditions (children under 18)
  • Stroke.

Flu complications, such as pneumonia, can cause death. The health department groups flu and pneumonia fatalities, and reported 3,195 statewide in 2020. That's higher than the millennial low of 2,217 deaths in 2010, but below the 3,336 who died in 2000.

"There's some urgency going into our influenza season," said Dr. Genon Wicina, a physician at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health's Pediatric Institute in Stuart. "Kids getting [the flu] and COVID at the same time could make for some really ill children that would maybe need to be hospitalized."

When is flu season?

The U.S. flu season begins in October and extends through May. It typically peaks December through February, according to the CDC.

In Florida, the 2020-21 flu season was all but absent, which public health experts largely attribute to people physically distancing, wearing masks and frequently washing their hands due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Flu activity in the Sunshine State remained low the week ending Nov. 13, but was increasing, DOH records show. In addition, the percentage of emergency department and urgent care center visits resulting in a flu diagnosis began to rise for the first time since March 2020.


Brace for an aggressive flu season after a COVID-focused year

As an eager vaccine rollout journey's us to a COVID-cured world, experts warn an aggressive influenza season may be upon us.

Buzz60, Buzz60

Activity remained mild throughout most of Florida, and was moderate in these counties: Gulf, Leon, Gadsden and Suwannee. DeSoto was the only county with elevated activity.

Most counties had yet to report any flu outbreaks. Alachua, Leon and Pinellas counties each had at least one.

Flu activity may be underreported, the health department noted, because the pandemic has led to fewer people seeking laboratory flu testing.

"We've just in the last week had positive influenza A testing done here in our office," Wicina said Nov. 15. "So it's here. It's in our community now."

Who is eligible for the flu shot?

Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine, the CDC recommends. 

While the vaccine requires a single dose regardless of manufacturer, people should get one every year. That's because influenza viruses vary seasonally; the FDA-approved vaccine for 2021-22 is different from the one administered in 2020-21.

If you previously have had a severe allergic reaction to a flu vaccine, consult your doctor before getting a shot this season.

Are there different kinds of flu vaccines?

Most flu vaccines are administered by a needle in the patient's arm. These are licensed for people 6 months and older:

People who are allergic to eggs, a common ingredient in flu vaccines, may receive these shots:

People 65 and older may opt for these immunity-boosting vaccines:

For those who aren't fond of needles, the FluMist vaccine is administered through the nose. However, this option is available only for people 2-49 who are not pregnant.

Where can I get a flu vaccine in Florida?

Most retail pharmacies carry at least one type of flu vaccine, including Costco Wholesale, CVS Pharmacy, Harris Teeter, Harveys Supermarket, Publix, Sam's Club, Walgreens, Walmart and Winn-Dixie.

Urgent care clinics such as CareSpot, FastMed and MD Now also offer flu immunizations.

Some independent pharmacies and other local health care providers carry the flu vaccine. Visit and click "Find Flu Vaccines" at the top of the page to find one near you.

You may also call 850-245-4444 to see if your county health department office has the vaccine available.

How much does the flu vaccine cost?

Many medical insurance plans will cover the cost of your annual flu shot, including Medicare Part B. 

Out-of-pocket costs vary. At CVS, for example, a standard flu shot is $41, but the Fluzone High Dose for people 65 and older is $74. The standard shot is about $37 at Walmart, but may not cost the same in every state.

There is help available for those who cannot afford the flu vaccine, especially children. Florida is a participant in the federal Vaccines for Children program, which provides routine immunizations for kids under 18. Call 877-888-7468 or email to see if your child qualifies.

Hospitals, community health centers and other organizations in your area may host free vaccination clinics for people of all ages throughout the season.

Lindsey Leake is TCPalm's health, welfare and social justice reporter. She has a master's in journalism and digital storytelling from American University, a bachelor's from Princeton and is a science writing graduate student at Johns Hopkins. Follow her on Twitter @NewsyLindsey, Facebook @LindseyMLeake and Instagram @newsylindsey. Call her at 772-529-5378 or email her at 


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