The city Health Department on Wednesday released early flu vaccination data for this year’s influenza season, showing substantial increases compared with the same time last year. From July 1 to Oct. 24, there was a 37% increase in the number of people age 19 and older who received a flu vaccine compared with the same time last year: 706,693 individuals this season, up from 517,676 last season, the department said. As for children, there was a 27% increase in those ages 6 months to 18 years: 503,507 this season, up from 397,626. Overall, more than 1.2 million New Yorkers have received this year’s flu vaccine, based on doses entered into the citywide immunization registry, the department said. However, because adults are not required to be reported, as children are, it is likely that more doses have been given. The numbers are promising, as efforts continue to try to ward off a Covid-19 and flu “twindemic,” according to public health experts. “Many of the patients that we serve...