
Showing posts from October, 2020

Flu vaccination data indicates promise in fight to prevent 'twindemic' - Crain's New York Business

The city Health Department on Wednesday released early flu vaccination data for this year’s influenza season, showing substantial increases compared with the same time last year. From July 1 to Oct. 24, there was a 37% increase in the number of people age 19 and older who received a flu vaccine compared with the same time last year: 706,693 individuals this season, up from 517,676 last season, the department said. As for children, there was a 27% increase in those ages 6 months to 18 years: 503,507 this season, up from 397,626. Overall, more than 1.2 million New Yorkers have received this year’s flu vaccine, based on doses entered into the citywide immunization registry, the department said. However, because adults are not required to be reported, as children are, it is likely that more doses have been given. The numbers are promising, as efforts continue to try to ward off a Covid-19 and flu “twindemic,” according to public health experts. “Many of the patients that we serve...

Illinois COVID vaccination drive will be a logistical challenge - Crain's Chicago Business

Illinois is gearing up for an unprecedented logistical challenge in the midst of a public health crisis.  The goal is simple: vaccinate 80 percent of the population against COVID-19. But getting the shots from manufacturers to people’s arms will require precise coordination among numerous public and private entities, as well as an airtight supply chain—not to mention a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.  The complexity, urgency and scope of such a vaccination campaign make this an effort unlike any other in history.  It will involve a series of hurdles, each uniquely daunting.  Illinois needs to vaccinate at least 10 million people as quickly as possible—a scale and pace far greater than other vaccination campaigns.  The state must monitor and enforce compliance with a strict priority regime for the initial rollout, in which health care workers, residents and staff at long-term care and assisted-living facilities, and other essential workers get vaccin...

Flu season begins: Vaccinations very important this year - Tulsa World

Lindsey Chastain Lindsey Chastain For the upcoming flu season, flu vaccination will be very important to reduce   flu because it can help reduce the overall impact of respiratory illnesses on the population and thus lessen the resulting burden on the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since September 1, 2020, there have been 26 hospitalizations due to influenza in the state of Oklahoma. There have been no influenza related deaths in the state since September 1. The percentage of outpatient visits meeting the criteria for an influenza-like illness was 2.3% (128/5,617).  2.3% (35/1548) of rapid influenza tests performed by sentinel sites were positive; 23% were influenza A. 0.0% (0/292) of RSV tests performed by sentinel laboratories were positive. Public health influenza vaccination clinics are available at county health departments, medical providers and pharmacies throughout the state. The OSDH wants to remind Ok...

Free Drive-Thru Flu Vaccination Clinic at Sleep Train Arena | Sacramento Kings -

Today, Sacramento County Public Health and the Sacramento Kings announced one of the largest drive-thru flu vaccination clinics in the county this fall will take place on Saturday, November 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the parking lot of the team’s former home in Natomas, Sleep Train Arena. Flu vaccinations at this event will be free to the public and the site has been provided at no cost to the County. “Sacramento County is excited to partner with the Kings to provide this vital service to the community,” said Sacramento County Health Services Director Dr. Peter Beilenson. “This will be an easy location and quick way to get a free flu vaccination. We are working on bringing up to 1,000 doses to the event and are urging everyone to prioritize getting the flu vaccination this season.” “We are proud to partner with Sacramento County Public Health to provide a socially distanced space for area residents to safely get their flu vaccinations for free,” said Sacramento Kings President of...

How do vaccines work - World Health Organization

Germs are all around us, both in our environment and in our bodies. When a person is susceptible and they encounter a harmful organism, it can lead to disease and death. The body has many ways of defending itself against pathogens (disease-causing organisms). Skin, mucus, and cilia (microscopic hairs that move debris away from the lungs) all work as physical barriers to prevent pathogens from entering the body in the first place.  When a pathogen does infect the body, our body’s defences, called the immune system, are triggered and the pathogen is attacked and destroyed or overcome. The body's natural response A pathogen is a bacterium, virus, parasite or fungus that can cause disease within the body. Each pathogen is made up of several subparts, usually unique to that specific pathogen and the disease it causes. The subpart of a pathogen that causes the formation of antibodies is called an antigen. The antibodies produced in response to the pathogen’s antigen are an im...

Lies Spread on Social Media Hamper Vaccinations - WebMD

By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Oct. 30, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Foreign disinformation campaigns on social media have caused vaccination rates to fall, a new study reveals. Every 1 point increase in the effort to discredit vaccines is linked to an average 2% drop in annual vaccine coverage around the world, and a 15% increase in negative tweets about vaccination, researchers found. Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated because of safety concerns as one of the top 10 threats to world health. The proliferation of "antivaxx" messaging on social media is a public health concern because vaccination is a key way out of the coronavirus pandemic, the researchers noted. To gauge the effect of social media use and foreign disinformation campaigns on vaccines, researchers analyzed social media activity in up to 190 countries. They also used national survey data about public attitudes to vaccination safety ...

Lakeland hospitals prepare for possible COVID-19 surge, vaccination distribution - WFLA

LAKELAND, Fla. (WFLA) – As COVID-19 cases tick up, Polk County hospitals are bracing for the possibility of a surge similar to what other states and countries are facing. Florida posted 5,600 new COVID-19 cases on Friday . This is an increase after two weeks with an average of 3,600 new cases a day. “Since the first surge, we never let our guards down,” said Dr. Francisco Chebly, associate chief medical officer at Lakeland Regional Health. Lakeland Regional Health has added 200 additional nurses, more than its usual increase for flu season. “My main concern is basically the fact that people are kind of a little bit nonchalant about the use of the masks,” said Dr. Chebly. The hospital has access to six COVID-19 testing platforms, which offer different durations for results for its patients. Surgical patients are all tested. Dr. Chebly said Lakeland Regional Health has not seen an increase in hospitalizations since the first surge in July. It’s the same situation at Watson Clini...

Cuomo: Federal vaccination plan 'deeply flawed' - Times Union

ALBANY — Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo once again criticized the coronavirus vaccination plan laid out by federal officials, calling it "deeply flawed" during a late-afternoon conference call Friday. The governor said he was briefed Friday by the White House Coronavirus Task Force, which plans to distribute a vaccine to private sector pharmacies to then administer to the public. Cuomo questioned the efficiency of the planned method that he said would not provide funding for government to help with distribution. "The main distribution would be private pharmacies and private providers," Cuomo said during a conference call Friday. "That is a very limited distribution mechanism. They do not provide for a state to organize vaccination with state personnel on any scale." Further information on the federal government's plans for vaccine distribution comes as the United States has surpassed 9 million cumulative infections and states across the nation are experienc...

Many fall behind on important vaccinations that protect health - Pamplin Media Group

Dr Sean Schulz is a primary care physician in Sandy and serves on the Board of Directors for the Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon. He is an advocate for child and adult vaccinations. As the world waits in anticipation for a vaccine to the COVID-19 virus that's ravaged our world, it's important to remember the many effective tools we already have in our arsenal against disease—safe, efficacious, and proven vaccines. As the COVID pandemic has changed many of our daily routines, many are falling behind on important vaccinations that protect our health and shield us from preventable outbreaks. With many medical clinics reducing the number of patients that they could see in response to COVID precautions this spring, a drop in vaccination rates was to be expected and was acknowledged in a report from the Oregon Health Authority in May. Vaccines have been an important tool in keeping people healthy for hundreds of years. They have made once deadly or debilitating dis...

Typhoid Vaccine Industry 2020 With Covid-19 Impact and Market Research by Size, Business Opportunities, Top Manufacture | Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson Services, Emergent BioSolutions, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Bharat Biotech, Bio Farma - re:Jerusalem

Latest released the research study on Global Typhoid Vaccine Market , offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Typhoid Vaccine Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Typhoid Vaccine. Global Typhoid Vaccine market research report is generated by using integrated approaches and latest technology for the best results. This report uncovers the general market conditions, trends, inclinations, key players, opportunities, geographical analysis and many other parameters about Typhoid Vaccine industry that helps drive the business into right direction. The insights provided in this market report are based upon SWOT analysis on which businesses can rely confidently. Download Free Sample (350 Pages PDF) Report: To Know the Impact of COVID-19 on this Indu...

Varicella Zoster Virus and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Immunocompromised Patients -

Immunocompromised patients are at elevated risk of complications from primary and reactivation infections with herpesviruses, including varicella zoster virus (VZV) and human papillomavirus (HPV). In the past several decades, vaccines have been become available to prevent primary VZV infection (chickenpox), reactivation VZV infection (herpes zoster, or shingles), and primary HPV infection, and all are routinely recommended for distinct age groups in the general population. The presence of immunocompromise requires special attention to several aspects of vaccination. The first is safety: Live attenuated vaccines are “weakened” but potentially have viable virus. This may cause disseminated infection in severely immunocompromised patients, and live vaccines are therefore generally avoided. Inactivated vaccines do not contain live virus and cannot cause disseminated infection; therefore, they are safer. However, many inactivated vaccines contain adjuvants, which might theoretically incre...

States say they lack federal funds to distribute coronavirus vaccine as CDC tells them to be ready by Nov. 15 - The Washington Post

State officials have been planning in earnest in recent weeks to get shots into arms even though no one knows which vaccine will be authorized by the Food and Drug Administration, what special storage and handling may be required and how many doses each state will receive. Despite those uncertainties, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is asking states to be prepared to “preposition” doses in key locations throughout the country. Officials want to move quickly once the FDA authorizes a vaccine and a CDC advisory panel issues recommendations on which populations should be vaccinated, according to a letter the CDC sent Monday to state preparedness and immunization officials. As part of that effort, the CDC is asking states to provide by Tuesday critical information, including a list of each jurisdiction’s top five sites capable of receiving and administering a vaccine that must be stored at ultracold temperatures of minus-70 Celsius (minus-94 Fahrenheit). The lette...

Area-level variation and human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescents and young adults in the united states: A systematic review - MD Linx

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Area-level variation and human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescents and young adults in the united states: A systematic review    MD Linx

Russia may start mass vaccination by year's end - Anadolu Agency

MOSCOW Russian president Thursday said he expects mass vaccination against coronavirus to start in the country by the end of the year.  Speaking at the VTB Capital Russia Calling! Investment Forum in Moscow, Vladimir Putin said the vaccine has already been delivered to all Russian regions. "All regions have received the vaccine. I hope that we will be able to start mass vaccination at the end of the year. Our first partner to receive this vaccine is Belarus," he said. Putin stressed that main requirements of the coronavirus vaccines are efficiency and safety and that both Russian vaccines meet these conditions. He also announced that the third vaccine will be registered soon. On Aug. 11, Russia issued a temporary conditional registration to a coronavirus vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. This kind of registration is issued for medicines which are vital to protect the public health in an emergency such as the coronavi...

Flu shot: Seqirus presents absolute efficacy data on cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine - Outbreak News Today

A global leader in influenza prevention, Seqirus presented today absolute efficacy data on the company’s cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) which met its primary endpoint in children and adolescents between ≥2 to <18 years of age over three influenza seasons. 3D influenza/CDC This study represents the first absolute efficacy study of a cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine in this population. “Annual influenza vaccination is extremely important,” said Jonathan Edelman, MD, Vice President, Clinical Development at Seqirus and study author. “This study reinforces our commitment to addressing this very serious public health threat by utilizing our advanced influenza vaccine technologies to help protect as many people as possible, including populations such as children between the ages of 2 and 18.” Standard influenza vaccines are manufactured using the egg-based manufacturing process and may be subjected to egg-adapted cha...

ACIP OKs Changes to 2021 Vax Schedule - MedPage Today

Changes to the 2021 immunization schedules included a new vaccine against meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y; stronger language about influenza vaccines in those with severe allergic reactions; and added language about tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines for wound management, according to the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on Thursday. In a virtual meeting, the ACIP voted 14-0 to adopt the edited schedules for adults and children . This vote was delayed from Wednesday due to a discussion about how to best indicate vaccinations, such as HPV, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), and varicella, that should be delayed until after pregnancy. Though the action is largely a formality, the ACIP is required to vote on all changes made to the adult and child immunization schedule since October 2019, prior to publication in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report in February 2021. For 2021, new vaccine MenACWY-TT (MenQuadfi) was added as an option to prevent di...

nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine — Precision Vaccinations - PrecisionVaccinations

nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine Description nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine candidate is derived from the live, infectious virus — but this time it has been ‘triple-locked’ using genetic engineering, to prevent it from becoming harmful.  nOPV2M4a is genetically more stable than existing OPVs, with a lower risk of reversion to neurovirulence. nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine Indication nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine is indicated to prevent circulating vaccine-derived polio-virus (cVDPV) polio cases. Most cases of cVDPV are caused by mutations in a strain of poliovirus called type 2. nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine News October 29, 2020 - New polio vaccine which is designed to prevent harmful mutations poised to get emergency WHO approval July 13, 2019  - The safety and immunogenicity of two novel live attenuated monovalent (serotype 2) oral poliovirus vaccines in healthy adults: a double-blind, single-centre phase 1 study nOPV2M4a Polio Vaccine Clinical Studies Clinical Trial NCT04544787 : A Phas...

City Prepares for COVID-19 vaccination; urges local healthcare providers to enroll in vaccination program - KTSM 9 News

EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) —  As El Paso continues to see the spread of COVID-19 in the community, COVID-19 vaccinations will be crucial in combatting the disease and ending the pandemic. City officials said that when a vaccine is available, it will be received in three phases. Supplies will be limited during the first phase and will be distributed through the federal government and the states. In order for Texas healthcare providers — including medical doctors, doctors of osteopathic medicine, nurse practitioners/advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, certified nurse midwives and registered pharmacists — to provide vaccines, they must first register with the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). This first step is a way to receive and provide a vaccine to the target population once they are made available. Health officials urge local healthcare providers, clinics, healthcare facilities and pharmacies to enroll and become COVID-19 vaccine providers so they can provide...