In its annual update to the Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule, federal health officials have made a number of changes, including significant updates to the recommendations for hepatitis A and tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis adsorbed (Tdap) vaccination. 1 Andrew Kroger, MD, MPH, Actin Education Team Lead for the Immunization Services Division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), says these 2 vaccines had the most significant changes in the 2020 update. “Hepatitis A vaccine is now recommended for catch-up vaccination of all children through age 18 years—previously it was through age 2 years,” he says, adding that there are 2 new recommendations concerning the Tdap vaccine. “Previously, a one-time dose of Tdap was recommended for persons aged 7 years and older as protection from pertussis, and for continued tetanus protection follow-up doses could be Td. Now, for the follow-up doses, either Td or Tdap can be admi...