At the 2019 IDWeek conference , a session on influenza vaccines highlighted two studies -- one that determined whether outcomes were less severe among vaccinated adults, and one that assessed the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing hospitalization in children. In this exclusive MedPage Today video, Shikha Garg, MD, MPH, and Angela Campbell, MD, MPH, both medical officers with the Influenza Division of the CDC in Atlanta, described their respective studies. Following is a transcript of their remarks: Garg: We looked at adults hospitalized with influenza in the Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network or FluSurv-NET. We analyzed data from over 40,000 adults hospitalized with flu over 5 seasons from 2013-14 to 2017-18 across over 250 acute-care hospitals, over 13 states. What we did was look at severe outcomes like death, ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and pneumonia in those who were vaccinated compared to those who were not vaccinated prior to their hospitaliza...