The Monday After: Waging of World War II made headlines at New Year in 1944 - Massillon Independent

The "fighting man" dominated news 75 years ago.

The "Man of the Year" on the front page of The Canton Repository 75 years ago was "The Fighting Man."

It seemed appropriate. The year 1944 was called a "Year of Destiny" by the newspaper. It was a year of "more sweat, more blood and more tears," as World War II continued to be waged. Still, as optimistic news came from the battlefields, 1944 also was a "year of hope, perhaps even Victory."

"Nineteen forty-four -- year of great decisions at home ... of choice of leadership ... of learning better the lesson of good fellowship ... of unity of post-war purpose," said a front-page article published in the Repository on Jan. 1, 1944. "A new year and new vista, a new fortitude to accept the challenge of momentous times ... of courage to meet the grim sacrifices of war and of divine foresight to solve the great problems of peace.

"These and many more are the things we Americans face at this dawn of a New Year."

Dropping names

On its inside pages, the newspaper noted the 1943 non-war achievements -- "They Made News Away From The Fighting Fronts," a headline said -- of many men and women.

Actress Mary Martin was praised for her performance in the Broadway production of "One Touch of Venus." Scientist Truman S. Potter was lauded for developing an experimental tuberculosis vaccine. Crooner Frank Sinatra was said to have sung songs "in a way that made adolescent femininity coo and gush." Movie star Ingrid Bergman was singled out for her acting skills in such hits as "Casablanca" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Swedish track star Gunder Haegg was congratulated for setting three American running records. And Musician Erich Leinsdorf was shown to be a conductor of unique talent when he successfully moved from New York to Cleveland to lead that city's symphony orchestra.

Still, it was war for which 1943 was most well known.

Industrialist Henry John Kaiser was noted for keeping his shipyards and manufacturing plants running at top speed in the war effort. Presidential adviser Bernard Baruch was singled out for his advice to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on rubber-making, army and navy organization, factory manpower and potential post-war issues.

Beyond those men, it took groups of Americans of both genders, not just individuals, to fight World War II.

Congratulated for their efforts in 1943 were the American "workman" and the "housewife."

"The U.S. worker helped set new records in the production of planes, ships, tanks, guns to back the fighter of the United Nations on all fronts," a Repository story said, adding the contributions made by moms who had moved to the nation's workforce. "She made news with unceasing work in home, office, factory. Home front problems hit her hardest, but she took them all in easy stride."

Cocktails and noisemakers

Certainly, despite the dire news emanating from the war fronts 75 years ago, there would be celebration.

Ads published in the Repository on Dec. 31, 1943, detailed New Year's Eve parties at such bars and nightclubs as White Swan, Varsity Grill, Arcadia Grill, Swiss Club, Slide Inn, Blue Goose Cafe, Green River Cafe, Silver Fox Gardens, Esber's Blue Room, and the Shamrock Room of McBride's.

"Gala Celebration Tonight," said an ad for Nan's Fine Foods at 200 Third St. NE. "Noisemakers - Hats - Pigs in a Blanket. Assure yourself and your guests of a good time on New Year's Eve."

Amid that party-going, however, was the somber realization that the war was not yet won.

A "Happy And Victorious New Year" was wished to all of their "friends and patrons" by "Norm and Mae," owners then of Miday's Cafee at 331 Market Ave. S.

"To All ... the Best Wish of All," said an ad for Scotty's Cafe and the Penguin Cocktail Bar, both on 12th St. NE. "Victory in 1944."

War production records

American manufacturing production reached record levels in 1943, according to a New Year's Eve business article in the Repository.

"Weapons Rolled Out For Blows Against Axis," a headline over the article said. Another article predicted that an "End Of European War In 1944 Would Bring Far-Reaching Changes In Industry."

"Industry, business and finance all reflected the impacts of war in 1943," an Associated Press article by financial editor Thomas Hatenbuch noted. "Production went 50 percent above 1942. Payrolls, employment, hours worked went to new records."

Other articles noted the advancements made in science - "radar, rocket cannon, rocket-driven gliders, sound-chasing torpedoes -- and agriculture, as "record production brought farmers the highest cash income on record.

Keeping it normal

While the war was being waged, people of Stark County made an attempt at living out their lives in some sense of normalcy.

Those still at home, for example, continued to compete at sports.

"Lehman laces Salem," said the headline on an article on New Year's Eve written by Repository sports writer Jack Maxwell, who years later would become the newspaper's editor.

And movies advertised in the Repository marketed the biggest stars of the day in Hollywood. Singing cowboy Gene Autry starred in "Boots and Saddles" at the Mozart. Matinee idol Gene Tierney was the draw for "Heaven Can Wait" at the Dueber. Comedians Bud Abbott and Lou Costello doubled movie-goers over in laughter in "Hit the Ice" at the Valentine. Band leader Benny Goodman conducted the music for "The Gang's All Here" playing at the Palace.

But, the movie of Cary Grant and John Garfield -- "Destination Tokyo" -- brought back the reality of the war in the Pacific to the Ohio Theater in Canton.

'Whoopee with reservations'

A cartoon on the front page of the Repository on New Year's Eve 75 years ago illustrated the importance of the achievements of 1943 to the war effort. And it provided hope for the coming year.

"1943 stepped up the tempo for 1944," a caption for the artwork explained.

Canton was "Ready To Greet Arrival Of 'Victory Year," said a headline on that New Year's Eve, Friday, Dec. 31, 1943. The cause was kept close to mind as the New Year celebration began.

"New Year's Day will be the first day of 'Victory Year' to most of Canton's more than 40,000 war workers, and an effort will be made to start the year right by maintaining at least normal production of the materials needed for winning the war," said the article, which carried a headline, "Whoopee With Reservations."

"With the knowledge that one good day of production Saturday means that the war will end just that much sooner, most of the workers will be at their places and tomorrow will be just another work day."

Still, it was an editorial published that day in the newspaper that best summed up to evolution of American fighting spirit over the previous 12 months.

"At the beginning of 1943, Americans wanted to believe they were capable of doing the job assigned to them by the circumstances of the war. We faced the belief of our enemies that we were incapable. It was a challenge to spirit as well as to security. We could not be too sure that the democracy was as strong as it needed to be.

"The challenge was answered successfully during 1943. We proved to ourselves that we were adequate. With the task of proving it to our enemies still ahead, we can yet face it with the certainty that having performed the lesser part capably, the remainder will be handled equally well."


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