A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments

meridian medical group specialty care :: Article Creator Meridian Capital Group Scheduled To Reenter Freddie Mac Loan Market Meridian Capital Group, a group commercial real estate finance, investment sales and retail leasing advisers with offices in Maryland, Monday announced Freddie Mac lenders may resume requesting quotes for Meridian-brokered loans beginning Jan. 1, 2025. Meridian has taken several important steps to enhance the firm's compliance framework in its brokerage and underwriting activities and procedures, including developing an entirely new credit review process with a chief underwriting officer function and an executive review committee for large loans, complex transactions, and loans originated for sale to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Meridian has arranged more than $550 billion in commercial real estate financing for more than 11,000 customers since its founding. The company has repeatedly been the number one commercial mo

Use of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines in Older ...

newborn 2 month vaccines :: Article Creator

Should Your Newborn Baby And Kindergartener Receive A Vaccine For An STD?

By Patricia Johnson, Op-ed contributor Sunday, October 06, 2024 (Photo: Reuters/Brian Snyder)

It is hard to believe we should even have to ask this question. Many parents, including myself, doctors, and even politicians like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Have asked this question as more and more vaccines were added to the schedule for infants and children.[1] [2]

Back in the 1950's, I received two vaccines. In the 1970s, our son received a total of nine vaccines by age 18. Now children receive 30+ vaccines by age 2 and up to 70 by age 18. [3]

By age two, the 2024 CDC vaccine schedule requires: 3 Hepatitis B, 1 to 2 RSV, 2 to 3 Rotavirus, 3 Diphtheria, 3 Tetanus, 3 Polio, 2 to 4 Hib, 4 Pneumonia, 1 COVID-19, 2 Flu, 1 Measle, 1 Mump, 1 Rubella, 1 Chickenpox and 2 Hepatitis A. [4]

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Each of these vaccines can contain multiple strains of viruses and bacteria, along with aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, acids, contaminants, DNA particles from animals or aborted human fetal cells, unidentified viruses, and more.[5]  The PPSV23 pneumonia shot alone contains 23 different strains of bacteria.[6] These vaccine materials are injected into the child and reach the child's organs including the brain.

The purpose of vaccinating children was originally to stop dangerous diseases that spread easily and quickly in a school room or public setting. Do all these shots fulfill that original purpose? Have there been safety studies of the effect of multiple shots over a short period of time on the developing immune systems of children? These are all valid and important questions we need to ask as more vaccines are added to the schedule.  In this article, I will focus on the Hepatitis B vaccine. 

I first questioned the need for the Hepatitis B vaccine in 1997 as an elected official to the Colorado State Board of Education when the Colorado Health Department added it as a requirement for school attendance. Being elected on a platform to represent the parents and children of Colorado, I felt obligated to investigate. Was Hepatitis B affecting our children at epidemic proportions? Was Hepatitis B highly contagious in the classroom? Do newborns need a vaccine for an STD? I contacted doctors and scientists locally and internationally and asked them for their research.

First, are newborns at risk for Hepatitis B?

CDC guidelines recommend that newborns receive the Hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth and boosters at 2 and 4 months of age.[7]

Billboards and ads in newspapers with endorsements from sports teams and news stations appeared all over Colorado with a picture of a cute baby. The billboards and ads stated, "To you, your baby is one in a million, but to Hepatitis B she isn't anywhere near that rare."  According to the media campaign, parents should be concerned that their newborns are at risk for Hepatitis B and need vaccine protection.

After seeing those billboards and ads, I contacted the Colorado Health Department (CHD) and asked for the actual numbers of babies and children in Colorado with Hepatitis B.

According to CHD documents:

1996: 1-4 years old 0 acute cases and 1 chronic case

1997: 1-4 years old 1 acute case and 1 chronic case

CHD's own numbers show that Hepatitis B is rare in newborns. Hepatitis B only occurs in babies whose mothers had Hepatitis B or in very rare cases from a blood transfusion with infected blood. For those children whose mothers did not have Hepatitis B or blood transfusions, it is zero in a million cases! I contacted the CHD and newspapers and complained about the misleading information, fear-mongering, and threatened to expose the lie. As a result, the billboards were taken down, the newspaper ads stopped, and the CHD refused to send me any more medical information when I requested it. Babies were still given the shot and parents remained clueless unless their baby was injured from the shot.

How contagious is Hepatitis B in a classroom setting?

By grade school Hepatitis B boosters were required because the vaccine given at birth lost its efficacy.[8] 

According to the CDC Prevention Guidelines: A Guide to Action (1997):

"Unlike smallpox, whooping cough or measles, Hepatitis B is not a highly communicable disease and affects adults primarily engaged in high-risk behaviors." According to a Colorado Department of Health and Environment fact sheet, "Hepatitis B virus is not spread through casual contact or in a typical school, office or food service setting. It is not spread by coughing, sneezing, or drinking out of the same glass. Hepatitis B is transmitted by direct contact with bodily fluids of an infected person. Highest at risk are IV drug users, prostitutes, people who have frequent sex with multiple partners, health care workers exposed to blood, and babies born to infected mothers."

The CDC's own Morbidity and Mortality Weekly reports that nationwide there were only 279 children under the age of 14 with Hepatitis B in 1996. Colorado's Health Department recorded 15 total cases in children ages 14 and under in 1996 and 17 in 1997. These numbers do not show a highly contagious epidemic requiring schoolchildren to be vaccinated. 

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) opposed mass vaccination of children against Hepatitis B stating, "It is a national experiment on children for a disease that is not highly contagious." Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of NVIC and parent of a vaccine-injured child, stated "Our children are a captive market for the vaccine industry."

How deadly is the disease:

According to Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 1994, Hepatitis B is not a killer for most. Symptoms of Hepatitis B may include low-grade fever, headache, cough, pain, joint swelling, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting before jaundice and inflammation of the liver set in. The symptoms can last up to four weeks. Fatigue may last a year. In acute cases of Hepatitis B, most patients do not need hospital care. 95% of patients recover completely with immunity for life. The fatality ratio is 0.1%. Of those who do not recover completely fewer than 5% become chronic carriers and one-fourth of these could possibly be in danger of life-threatening liver disease later in life.

How safe is the Hepatitis B vaccine?

In 1986 the FDA awarded Merck & Co. A license for the first recombinant DNA Hepatitis B vaccine. Later Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals was also granted a license for its genetically engineered Hepatitis B vaccine. Both companies used safety studies that followed 653 infants and children for only four to five days of being vaccinated.[9]  There have been no long-term safety studies. There have been no safety studies of the effects of multiple vaccines given at one time.  

I had several conversations with Australian researcher Dr. Vera Scheibner, who developed a baby respiratory monitor for crib death also known as Sudden Infant Death, SIDS, in the U.S. Her unique research led her to the discovery that almost all crib deaths occurred shortly after babies were vaccinated. This caused her to reevaluate her strong support for all vaccines and compelled her to write a book warning parents to investigate before vaccinating.[10]   

Recently, RFK Jr. Cited a study of children who had received the Hepatitis B vaccine within thirty days of birth. The study found that those babies who had received the shot within 30 days of birth had an 1135% increased risk of developing autism. [11] RFK Jr. Also stated that the dramatic increase in childhood diseases/cancers/immune disorders that he had never heard of when he was a child could correlate with the increase in vaccines required for children.

I talked extensively with Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D., cell biologist and pioneering vaccine researcher from Baylor Medical College, who had been collecting data on the Hepatitis B vaccine. She had been contacted by doctors and hundreds of patients who reported severe autoimmune and neurological complications post Hepatitis B vaccination in previously healthy children and adults. These included serious rashes, joint pain, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis and lupus-like symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurological dysfunction.[12] 

The Minister of Health in France suspended the Hepatitis B vaccine for school children after repeated reports of the development of autoimmune and neurological disorders after being vaccinated. Subsequently, the July 31, 1998, issue of Science reported that 15,000 French citizens filed a suit against the French government "accusing it of understating the vaccine's risks and exaggerating the benefits for the average person."[13]  

"Children younger than 14 are three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving Hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease. It's one thing to bar a student from school if he is carrying an infectious disease posing a threat to other children. But to require questionable medical treatment as a condition of attendance crosses over the line of practicing medicine" said Dr. Jane Orient M.D. Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). [14]

Why do doctors and HMOs promote the vaccine?

During a doctor's visit, I saw a poster on the wall promoting the Hepatitis B vaccine for infants and schoolchildren. I pointed to the poster and asked my doctor, "Why would an infant need a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease if the mother does not have the disease?" He agreed that an infant does not need the shot. Then I asked my doctor, "Why should school children get the shot?" He explained, "A child could get Hepatitis B if he has an open cut and comes in contact with an open cut of an infected child during a contact sport." So, I showed him the Colorado Health Department numbers of how many school children had Hepatitis B and asked, "Why don't we just restrict the few children who have Hepatitis B from contact sports instead of vaccinating hundreds of thousands of healthy children?" He agreed that would be a better plan. I then asked him, "Why is the HMO pushing this vaccine?" and pointed to the poster on the wall again. He said, "To be perfectly honest, the HMO gets financial rewards for every 'fully' vaccinated child." Meaning, children must be given every single vaccine on the CDC schedule for the HMO to get their financial reward from the CDC. Cha-ching. Follow the money.

Why do Health Departments put Hepatitis B on the list of required vaccines for babies and schoolchildren?

When I asked the head of the Colorado Health Department this question, he told me that they needed to "catch" the children and protect them before they became sexually active. Really? Are toddlers sexually active? How about grade schoolers? What if a parent teaches their child abstinence?

For parents who don't teach abstinence and believe the shot is necessary to protect their sexually active teen, they are free to give their child the shot. However, I would warn them that the Hepatitis B shot could give them a false sense of security because it does not protect them from other sexually transmitted diseases. The Colorado Department of Health stated that over 200 sexually transmitted diseases have been identified. Some do not have names yet.[15] [16]

Is the CDC going to keep adding more vaccines for STDs to infant and school children's vaccine schedule?

The CDC added the Gardasil shot to the schedule for schoolchildren several years ago with deadly results. The Gardasil shot is for sexually transmitted Human Papillomavirus, aka genital warts. Parents were told the shot was to prevent cancer. Many parents of injured girls have spoken out. Drug companies are currently developing vaccines for Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Chlamydia.[17]  In 2022 Moderna vaccinated its first participants in a Phase 1 clinical trial of an experimental HIV vaccine utilizing mRNA technology.[18]

Who decides which vaccines are necessary for our children?

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, ACIP, recommends the vaccination schedule for all children in the United States. The CDC appoints the committee members of ACIP and defers to their recommendations. Many of the committee members on ACIP either used to work for the very drug companies that they are now approving vaccines for or are hired by the drug companies and awarded high-paying jobs after their term on the ACIP is over if they had done a good job approving their vaccines. It is a revolving door. This is a direct conflict of interest.

Did I get the Hepatitis B vaccine removed from Colorado's school entrance requirements?

The Colorado Health Department had control over deciding which vaccines to mandate for school entrance. To get it removed I needed to seek legislation, so I asked a Colorado State Senator to carry legislation to remove the Hepatitis B vaccine from the school requirement list. We flew in Dr. Jane Orient, head of the AAPS, and Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, internationally acclaimed vaccine researcher to testify at the hearing. NVIC founder, Barbara Loe Fischer, as well as numerous doctors, scientists, nurses, and parents whose children had been damaged by the Hepatitis B vaccine, came to testify. The hearing started at 9 am. The drug companies, the health department, and the pro Hepatitis B vaccine people testified for 6 ½ hours. At 3:30 we were finally allowed to testify but we were told they were "tired" of hearing testimony. They restricted us to 3 minutes each and only allowed five people to testify. After 15 minutes the testimony was closed and the legislation to remove the Hepatitis B vaccine was voted on. We lost. We were down but not defeated. It was a wake-up call to an upward battle to gain back control over our children's health.

What can You do?

If after learning the facts you are now concerned, some states provide parents with opt-out provisions for health, religion, or personal reasons. However, some states are eliminating these exemptions. Many parents whose states do not provide exemptions have chosen to homeschool. The choice is yours and not the government or the drug companies. Get involved locally and nationally. Contact your elected representatives. Most importantly, I encourage you to educate yourself further on this issue and know the facts before you vax. 


[1] https://x.Com/i/status/1837967245298770211

[2] https://www.Riverbendbookshop.Com/book/9781881217404

[3] Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age (Addendum updated June 27, 2024)Vaccines & ImmunizationsCDC

[4] Your child needs vaccines as they grow!Vaccines & ImmunizationsCDC

[5] "How Many Vaccinations Will Your Child Get?" Koren Publication Inc., 2007 

[6] https://www.Cdc.Gov/vaccines/hcp/current-vis/pneumococcal-polysaccharide.Html#:~:text=PPSV23%20protects%20against%2023%20types%20of%20bacteria%20that%20cause%20pneumococcal

[7]Hepatitis B Perinatal Vaccine InformationHepatitis BCDC

[8] Hepatitis B Vaccine Requirements for Childcare and School (Kg–Gr 12) (immunize.Org)

[9] The Vaccine Reaction Newsletter 1/11/99

[10] https://www.Amazon.Com/Vaccination-100-Years-Orthodox-Research/dp/064615124X

[11] https://x.Com/liz_churchill10/status/1837967245298770211

[12] https://www.Amazon.Com/When-Your-Doctor-Wrong-Hepatitis/dp/1401029736

[13] https://www.Nytimes.Com/1998/10/03/world/world-news-briefs-france-ends-program-of-hepatitis-b-shots.Html

[14] AAPS July 8,1999 Doctors Call for Moratorium on Hepatitis B Vaccine for Schoolchildren Citing Potentially Deadly Outcomes

[15] https://www.Cdc.Gov/sti/about/index.Html

[16] Friends First, Parents Education Workshop. Sexually Transmitted Diseases  Information Sheet January 28, 1999

[17] Future prospects for new vaccines against sexually transmitted infections - PMC (nih.Gov)

[18] Moderna mRNA HIV vaccine: First patients vaccinated in clinical trialCNN

Patricia Johnson is a former Colorado State Board of Education Member (1995-2001). During her tenure, she promoted strong academic curricula and fought to protect parental rights. After working many years attempting to fix the public schools she now encourages parents to homeschool. She has been married to Brad for 49 years.

You can reach her at pj4charis@gmail.Com.

Don't Call Them Boosters: Here's What To Know About The Flu And COVID Vaccines This Fall

Don't call them boosters.

They're vaccinations — both COVID and influenza mutate constantly, creating new strains for our immune systems to fight. New vaccinations are created to target the newer strains.

While flu vaccines are created each season, COVID's mutations are less predictable, and don't follow a linear annual path.

Flu season is emerging and, although the disease is not predicted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be as prominent as years past, doctors are urging people to get the vaccine.

This fall, doctors recommend both the flu and COVID vaccine. Patients can get flu and COVID-19 shots at the same time.

Dr. Oliver "Rocky" Mollère, an internal medicine and primary care provider at Ochsner Health in New Orleans, is seeing an uptick of COVID cases in Louisiana, but expects the flu season to not be as harsh — similar to previous flu seasons in the state. 

Last year, just 45% of adults got a flu vaccination and even fewer, 23%, got a COVID-19 shot in the United States. As of March, Louisiana averaged just over 70 daily hospitalizations from COVID and only 39.4% of residents reported receiving their seasonal flu vaccine.

Who needs a fall COVID-19 or flu vaccination?

The CDC urges both an updated COVID-19 shot and yearly flu vaccine for everyone ages 6 months and older. If you recently had COVID-19, you can wait two or three months but still should get an updated vaccination because of the expected winter surge.

Both viruses can be especially dangerous to certain groups, including older people and those with weak immune systems and lung or heart disease. Young children also are more vulnerable. The CDC counted 199 child deaths from flu last year.

"Receiving the vaccine can lower the chance that you catch the flu, but it's not perfect," Mollère said. "The real benefit of taking the flu vaccine to the individual is that it will have a very large impact to reduce the chance that someone gets so sick that they end up in the hospital or die from the flu."

Pregnancy also increases the chances of serious COVID-19 or flu — and vaccination guards mom plus ensures the newborn has some protection, too.

Mollère recommends getting the flu vaccine for everyone who is eligible.

"There's not a great way for me as a physician to predict who's going to have just a 'feel really bad and have an unpleasant kind of 10 to 14 days' or who's going to get so sick that they end up in the hospital or die," Mollère said.

What's new about the COVID-19 shots?

Last fall's shots targeted a coronavirus strain that's no longer spreading while this year's are tailored to a new section of the coronavirus family tree. The Pfizer and Moderna shots are formulated against a virus subtype called KP.2 while the Novavax vaccine targets its parent strain, JN.1. Daskalakis said all should offer good cross protection to other subtypes now spreading.

The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines can be used by adults and children as young as 6 months. The Novavax shot is a more traditional protein vaccine combined with an immune booster, and open to anyone 12 and older.

Which flu vaccine to choose?

High-dose shots and one with a special immune booster are designed for people 65 and older, but if they can't find one easily they can choose a regular all-ages flu shot.

For the shot-averse, the nasal spray FluMist is available for ages 2 to 49 at pharmacies and clinics — although next year it's set to be available for use at home.

All flu vaccinations this year will guard against two Type A flu strains and one Type B strain. Another once-common form of Type B flu quit spreading a few years ago and was removed from the vaccine.

What will it cost?

The vaccines are supposed to be free under Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans if people use an in-network provider.

About 1.5 million uninsured adults got free COVID-19 vaccinations through a federal program last year but that has ended. Instead, the CDC is providing $62 million to health departments to help improve access. 

Check government websites for availability at local pharmacies.

Dear Doctor: I Got The Older COVID Vaccine 2 Months Ago. How Long Do I Wait Before Getting The Newer One?

DEAR DR. ROACH: I received a COVID vaccine seven weeks ago. It's the one that has been given since 2023, so it was not an updated vaccine. But the Food and Drug Administration just approved and released the updated vaccine for 2024. Can I get the most recent and updated vaccine, or must I wait? -- V.C.

ANSWER: A new vaccine was approved by the FDA in August, and it's available now, specifically for the new omicron variant, KP.2. This new vaccine closely targets the circulating viruses. You can get the vaccine if you have not had (any) COVID vaccines in the past two months, so you just need to wait another week.

There is a lot of COVID circulating right now in many areas of the country, and getting a vaccine right away may be a good choice for people, especially if they haven't been vaccinated in a long time or if they are at a high risk due to age or medical conditions. Some people might consider waiting a couple of months for the expected winter surge. I am advising most of my patients to get the new vaccine now, but your particular situation may be different. So, talk to your doctor about the optimal timing.

DEAR DR. ROACH: It was less than five years ago that I had a TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) surgery for slow urination. It is not at a critical point yet, but it feels like my urine flow is slowing down again. How often do men who've had a TURP surgery require a second operation?

A normal prostate is the size of a walnut. As men age, it enlarges. Does it ever stop growing at a certain point? How large can it actually get? Can it get to the size of an orange or larger? -- Anon.

ANSWER: You are right that in young men, the prostate is typically the size of a walnut. In many men, the prostate enlarges, but there are different anatomical areas within the prostate, called zones. The urethra, which carries the urine from the bladder out through the penis, goes right through the transitional zone of the prostate, and it's this zone that most often causes symptoms in older men.

Surgery is done less often now for enlarged prostates than 20 years ago, because medication is much more effective. Most men don't need surgery, but surgery is certainly still done. In addition, there are other options, such as photoselective vaporization, microwave treatment, cold and laser treatments, and prostate artery embolization. The decision of which to offer is in the hands of the urologist, but I can give some guidance on how often a repeat surgery is necessary.

After five years, about 7% of men who had the surgery you had required a second operation. Most other treatments were similar, but some weren't as long-lasting. Prostatic artery embolization required retreatment 24% of the time at five years, while microwave treatment required retreatment 31% of the time.

Unfortunately, the prostate tends to keep growing. You really don't want to beat the "world record" of 4 liters, which is about the size of a small watermelon. (The person who had it didn't have any symptoms, so treatments weren't done.)

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.Cornell.Edu or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

(c) 2022 North America Syndicate Inc.

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