
Showing posts from June, 2024

How to build a better health system: 8 expert essays

orlando health primary care :: Article Creator Tech In Diabetes: What's Going Wrong? ORLANDO -- Technologic advances aren't fulfilling their promise for improving diabetes or overall health outcomes in the U.S., argued FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD. "We are wowing the world in technology -- much of it related to the field that you're interested in [diabetes]," he told attendees at the keynote opening session of the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions. "We are not succeeding in implementation of the things that we know. We need to bring these things together so that we harness technology, particularly digital technology and AI [artificial intelligence], to the benefit of the people that we care about." He pointed to the dismal numbers: "The U.S. And almost every other high-income country had about the same life expectancy and spent about the same amount on healthcare," he said. But

How to build a better health system: 8 expert essays

orlando health primary care :: Article Creator Tech In Diabetes: What's Going Wrong? ORLANDO -- Technologic advances aren't fulfilling their promise for improving diabetes or overall health outcomes in the U.S., argued FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD. "We are wowing the world in technology -- much of it related to the field that you're interested in [diabetes]," he told attendees at the keynote opening session of the American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions. "We are not succeeding in implementation of the things that we know. We need to bring these things together so that we harness technology, particularly digital technology and AI [artificial intelligence], to the benefit of the people that we care about." He pointed to the dismal numbers: "The U.S. And almost every other high-income country had about the same life expectancy and spent about the same amount on healthcare," he said. But

Beyond containment: Health systems responses to COVID-19 in the OECD

messenger rna vaccine :: Article Creator Cancer Vaccines Are A 'Marvel' Are cancer vaccines the new frontier in oncology? Experts and patients weigh in from the front lines. Vaccines are making waves in the oncology world, with one experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, mRNA-4157 (also known as V940), that when combined with the immuno­therapy Keytruda (pembrolizumab), was shown in the KEYNOTE- 942 trial to reduce the risk of melanoma recurrence or death by 44% compared with treatment with Keytruda alone. Ninety mRNA-based therapeutic cancer vaccines tested in clinical trials since 2000 were listed in findings published in January in Heliyon — with 33 trials having started since 2020 and researchers noting that "the field of mRNA-based drugs is undergoing a rapid transformation, significantly altering the standard of care for numerous diseases." mRNA vaccines instruct the body to produce a specific protein that triggers an

Delay or Avoidance of Medical Care Because of COVID-19 ...

wilton primary care :: Article Creator Kidnapping Foiled In Wilton; Young Suspects Pursued, Arrested WILTON, CT (WFSB) - Four young suspects were arrested after someone saw them kidnap a girl in Wilton, according to police. The incident was first reported by a concern citizen who saw the girl appear to be forced into a black vehicle with no license plate. Police said it happened on Ridgefield Road near Drum Hill Road on Friday around 4:20 p.M. Officers found the vehicle as its driver headed north on Ridgefield Road near the Ridgefield town line. They said they activated their emergency lights and sirens and tried to stop the vehicle. However, the driver didn't stop and engaged police in a pursuit. During the pursuit, the driver turned down the Ridgefield cul de sac of Tanglewood Court. Police said that's where the reported abducted girl either jumped or was pushed out of the vehicle. The female juvenile was transported to