
Showing posts from May, 2023

Top Doctors 2022 - Seattle magazine

childhood vaccinations in the 50s :: Article Creator Hope Springs Eternal: The Polio Vaccine Is Released In 1955 Somedays it feels like the Covid-19 pandemic that brought the entire world to its collective knees was a lifetime ago. Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. The palpable fear and paranoia. The anxiety. The unknown. Over three years have passed since the first wave of the shutdown began and, while public health officials continue to admonish the public that the pandemic is ongoing, for many people the cataclysm has passed into history. The collective historical experience, which will be studied and written about by historians for generations, will pivot around the roll-out of the various vaccines. The politicization of the vaccinations and their concomitant mandates that allowed for a return to normalcy, to steal a phrase from Warren G. Harding's 1920...

Newton County Times' Outhouse Companion

shannon pediatrics :: Article Creator Division Of Academic General Pediatrics The faculty and staff of the Division of Academic General Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, are committed to high-quality, equitable, and patient-centered primary care achieved through evidence-based practice, innovative research, education, and advocacy.  Expert state-of-the-art and comprehensive clinical care is provided in numerous settings and programs: Primary Care Pediatrics at the Palm Center, Pasadena Pediatric and Adolescent Health Center, the Centers for Children and Women (Greenspoint, Southwest), Second Opinion Clinic, Complex Care Program (Main Campus, West Campus), Mobile Clinic Program, and United Healthcare Diagnostic Odyssey Program. In addition to the breadth and depth of the clinical care provided by the Division of Academic General Pediatrics, we have a strong commitment to scholarly and research excellence. Research activities cover the spe...

Late-Breaking Science Abstracts and Featured Science Abstracts ...

internal medicine group :: Article Creator What's Concierge Medicine? Is It Worth It? detroitnews.Com cannot provide a good user experience to your browser. To use this site and continue to benefit from our journalism and site features, please upgrade to the latest version of Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari. Chrome: https://www.Google.Com/chrome/ Edge: https://www.Microsoft.Com/edge/ Firefox: https://www.Firefox.Com/ Safari: Update to latest version through the App Store Concierge Medicine Trending, But Price A Consideration Concierge medicine, a business model in which patients pay a membership fee to have a direct relationship with a doctor — used to feel like something just for the well-to-do. But as fees have come down and frustration with traditional primary care has gone up, concierge services are getting more attention. My primary care doctor recently left her practice and invited me to join her at her new gig — a concierge ...

May 11, 2023 e-EDITION

regular doctor :: Article Creator The Importance Of Seeing Your Doctor On A Regular Basis PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Here is a statistic that may or may not surprise you: 60% of men do not regularly see a doctor. A Cleveland Clinic study also revealed that about half of those surveyed don't even like to talk about their health. But do you need to go if you aren't sick? The short answer is yes because regular visits can stave off big-time problems. When things are going well, it's the last thing on your mind. "Most guys say, 'I feel good. I don't need to see a doctor. Nothing's wrong.'" Allegheny Health Network's Dr. Brian Lamb says that's exactly when to see a doctor. "Your doctor is there to actually prevent things from going wrong in the first place. They're trying to fix a problem," Dr. Lamb added. Specifically, Dr. Lamb said there are three reasons all men should see the doctor...