STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The Beacon Christian Community Center in Mariners Harbor has been listed as one of the recommended flu vaccination pop-up sites across the city by the NYC Department of Health. While vaccinations for seasonal flu will be readily available, Beacon will also provide vaccines for HPV, Hepatitis B, pneumonia, menveo, measles, mumps, rubella and whooping cough. “With the impending spread of coronavirus, it’s important now more than ever to get vaccinated,” said Janet Kim, chief medical officer, Beacon Christian Community Health Center. The health of our immune system this flu season is imperative, especially as the months get colder and winter approaches." The Department of Health estimates that roughly 2,000 New Yorkers die of seasonal flu and its complications — a number that we can all agree is too high, she said. "These pop-up sites make vaccinations readily accessible and limits the added risks presented by COVID-19, by setting up outdoors and practi...