
Showing posts from November, 2020

States ramp up for biggest vaccination effort in U.S. history - Longmont Times-Call

By Candice Choi and Michelle R. Smith , The Associated Press With a COVID-19 vaccine drawing closer, public health officials across the country are gearing up for the biggest vaccination effort in U.S. history — a monumental undertaking that must distribute hundreds of millions of doses, prioritize who’s first in line and ensure that people who get the initial shot return for the necessary second one. The push could begin as early as next month, when federal officials say the first vaccine may be authorized for emergency use and immediately deployed to high-risk groups, such as health care workers. “The cavalry is coming,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” He said he hopes shots will be available to all Americans in April, May and June. Pfizer also boosted hopes this week, saying early data suggests its vaccine is 90% effective. But the good news came in one of the grimmest weeks of the pandemic so far. Deaths, hospitalizations and new infections are ...

Eastern Michigan University to offer no-cost mobile flu vaccination clinics through Dec. 8 - WDIV ClickOnDetroit

ANN ARBOR – The Eastern Michigan University Center for Health Disparities Innovations and Studies will be offering mobile flu vaccination clinics Nov. 14-Dec. 8 in partnership with the statewide Asian Community Toward Innovative Visionary Environment Coalition. The goal of the program is to reach Asian and Arab Americans who are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 and are at high risk for developing serious illness from a COVID-19 infection. “Flu vaccinations are more important than ever before this year to minimize the transmission of influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Tsu-Yin Wu, CHDIS director, said in a statement. “We are increasing flu vaccine awareness, enhancing access to vaccinations, and improving connections between health care providers and underserved Asian and Arab American communities.” ✉  Like what you’re reading? Sign up for our email newsletter  here ! Clinics will be held in areas with limited acccess to flu vaccination and flu education resou...

Measles Infections Are Skyrocketing Because of Low Vaccination Rates - Self

Measles infections worldwide have risen dramatically from their historic low in 2016, ringing alarm bells for public health experts around the globe. In 2019, the global death rate for measles was more than 50% higher than in 2016, and total cases increased by a whopping 556%, according to a joint report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. Worldwide, measles cases in 2019 were the highest they’ve been in 23 years. Even as the coronavirus pandemic rages at the forefront of the world’s attention, it’s essential to protect against other dangerous and deadly infectious diseases as well. That means it’s crucial for people to stick to the recommended vaccination schedule for themselves and their kids as long as they have access to vaccines—even during the pandemic.  In the U.S., there were 1,282 cases of measles in 2019—which is the highest number in the country since 1992, according to the CDC . In the Democratic Republic of...

Central Florida plans for large-scale coronavirus vaccination effort - Orlando Sentinel

Seminole also bought large outdoor tents, light towers, vaccine supply carts and additional personal protective equipment with the expectation that people will be able to drive up in their cars, roll down their windows, pull up a sleeve and get a shot in the arm — similar to the way COVID-19 tests are being conducted at mobile sites across the region.

Will Israel Mandate COVID-19 Vaccination? - Precision Vaccinations

The prospect of Israel making it mandatory to get an experimental vaccine against the new coronavirus has quickly become a concern, commented Ronny Linder in an editorial published by The Haaretz . ‘This possibility didn't emerge from thin air, but rather comments by the professionals in charge of managing Israel’s COVID-19 pandemic response.’ Chezy Levi, the Health Ministry director-general, said in a recent interview that “a way has to be found to force people to immunize … we are in talks with the attorney general about this and clarifying whether there’s a way to make it mandatory to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.” “I would definitely want to advance a law that would require people to get vaccinated if it does not pose any medical risk to them,” reported Linder on November 13, 2020. According to precedent, Israel’s Ministry of Health (MOH) is generally responsible for public health crisis management. And the MOH is authorized to classify specific diseases as “comm...

Posters That Changed the World, From Anti-Slavery Campaigns to Vaccination Efforts - Hyperallergic

The below is an excerpt of four posters featured in 100 Posters That Changed the World by Colin Salter, “a collection of the world’s most memorable, provocative, best-selling and groundbreaking posters .” The book, published by Pavilion and Rizzoli , is available online. *** Anti-Slavery Campaigns (1788–1865) Anti-Slavery Poster (© Public domain) The abolition of slavery in the Western World was a struggle long fought for. In America only a civil war could end a practice many of the nation’s founders firmly supported. In Britain the governing powers were just as complicit, but a poster helped sway public opinion. It’s a little known fact that in 1315 the King of France outlawed slavery in France. Unfortunately it remained legal elsewhere in his Empire and those of other imperial powers for another five hundred years. The growing sense that slavery was immoral reached a tipping point in the later eighteenth century. Quakers in America and Britain raised their voices in objec...

Roundup of Recent Gallup Data on Vaccines - Gallup Poll

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Prior to last week's announcement by Pfizer and BioNTech that its COVID-19 vaccine may have a 90% effectiveness rate, Gallup polling revealed a number of insights about Americans' views on a coronavirus vaccine and vaccines generally that could still inform how vaccines can be most effectively rolled out to the public. Here is a quick review of five key points from Gallup's research. 1. The Franklin Templeton-Gallup Economics of recovery study finds that, among many potential personal characteristics such as age, income and political affiliation, the most significant predictor of whether someone will get the COVID-19 vaccine is if they took the flu vaccine last year. Race and ethnicity are also important drivers of vaccine acceptance, with Black adults being less likely to report they will get the vaccine. Americans' Willingness to Take A COVID-19 Vaccine Among Key Demographic Groups Would you agree to be vaccinated with the COVID vaccine?* ...

GIANT to provide COVID-19 vaccine - ABC27

The Pennsylvania Department of Health today confirmed as of 12:00 a.m., November 13, that there were 5,531 additional positive cases of COVID-19, bringing the statewide total to 254,387. This is the highest daily increase of cases. The most accurate daily data is available on the website, with archived data also available.

Vaccine Hesitancy and Administration of Influenza Vaccine to Children - AAP News

In the midst of a pandemic with the fall and winter seasons upon us, the fear of a “twin-demic” involving increasing cases of both COVID-19 and influenza are of critical concern. Will there be enough resources to provide care for these two serious illnesses and will some patients actually get both at the same time? The reason to vaccinate against influenza while we await the availability of a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine has never been so important. Yet, there is a significant amount of vaccine hesitancy. How much is there? To answer that question, Santibanez et al (10.1542/peds.2020-007609) examined the 2018 and 2019 National Immunization Survey on Influenza (NIS-Flu), which included a 6-question survey on vaccine hesitancy. Their results are shared in detail in a study we are early releasing this month in our journal. Over 35,000 parents were surveyed to determine if they were vaccine hesitant, why that might be, and whether they had vaccinated their child over the past ye...

Should Men Get the HPV Vaccine? - Verywell Health

Key Takeaways The HPV vaccine can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers in both men and women. Recent research found that males and females experience similar side effects—and benefits—of the HPV vaccine. The most common side effect is fainting after getting the shot, but it does not lead to any long-term issues. When a vaccine to protect against the most common forms of human papillomavirus (HPV) was first released, it was largely marketed for preteen girls. A growing body of evidence has shown that boys can benefit from the vaccine. Now, new research has found that the shot is also safe for boys. A new analysis published in the  British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology  found that HPV vaccines are safe and well-tolerated in males (previous research had largely focused on females). The analysis also found that the potential side effects are similar to what female patients have reported. The analysis studied 5,493 adverse events following immunization that...

Should Men Get the HPV Vaccine? - Verywell Health

Key Takeaways The HPV vaccine can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers in both men and women. Recent research found that males and females experience similar side effects—and benefits—of the HPV vaccine. The most common side effect is fainting after getting the shot, but it does not lead to any long-term issues. When a vaccine to protect against the most common forms of human papillomavirus (HPV) was first released, it was largely marketed for preteen girls. A growing body of evidence has shown that boys can benefit from the vaccine. Now, new research has found that the shot is also safe for boys. A new analysis published in the  British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology  found that HPV vaccines are safe and well-tolerated in males (previous research had largely focused on females). The analysis also found that the potential side effects are similar to what female patients have reported. The analysis studied 5,493 adverse events following immunization that...

Beacon Christian Community Health Center’s Outdoor flu vaccination offers free immunity health services on tw -

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The Beacon Christian Community Center in Mariners Harbor has been listed as one of the recommended flu vaccination pop-up sites across the city by the NYC Department of Health. While vaccinations for seasonal flu will be readily available, Beacon will also provide vaccines for HPV, Hepatitis B, pneumonia, menveo, measles, mumps, rubella and whooping cough. “With the impending spread of coronavirus, it’s important now more than ever to get vaccinated,” said Janet Kim, chief medical officer, Beacon Christian Community Health Center. The health of our immune system this flu season is imperative, especially as the months get colder and winter approaches." The Department of Health estimates that roughly 2,000 New Yorkers die of seasonal flu and its complications — a number that we can all agree is too high, she said. "These pop-up sites make vaccinations readily accessible and limits the added risks presented by COVID-19, by setting up outdoors and practi...

COVID-19 vaccine on horizon for most vulnerable - Mail Tribune

[unable to retrieve full-text content] COVID-19 vaccine on horizon for most vulnerable    Mail Tribune

A cancer vaccine that might work? Moderna posts 'promising' early snapshot for Merck-partnered program and raids Bristol Myers for a new cancer R&D chief - Endpoints News

Re­mem­ber that per­son­al­ized can­cer vac­cine Mod­er­na was de­vel­op­ing? As the world awaits da­ta from its late-stage Covid-19 can­di­date, the mR­NA play­er is in­ter­rupt­ing its most in­ten­sive­ly watched pro­gram with an up­beat ear­ly snap­shot of da­ta from its mes­sen­ger RNA can­cer vac­cine mR­NA-4157. And the Mod­er­na team is us­ing the oc­ca­sion to in­tro­duce a new chief for their on­col­o­gy unit, raid­ed from Bris­tol My­ers Squibb’s can­cer group. When com­bined with Mer­ck’s Keytru­da in the Phase I KEYNOTE-603 tri­al, re­searchers re­port, the vac­cine ap­pears some­what ef­fec­tive in shrink­ing tu­mors. Among 10 pa­tients with HPV-neg­a­tive head and neck squa­mous cell car­ci­no­ma, the over­all re­sponse rate is 50%: 2 com­plete re­spons­es and 3 par­tial re­spons­es. And it is trans­lat­ing to con­sid­er­able ben­e­fit over the PD-1 in­hibitor alone: Me­di­an pro­gres­sion free sur­vival (mPFS) is 9.8 months, which com­pares fa­vor­ably to the pub­li...

Global Hepatitis A Vaccine Market 2020 Industry Analysis by Type, Application, End-User and Region - The Think Curiouser

The Global Hepatitis A Vaccine Market report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Hepatitis A Vaccine market analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Hepatitis A Vaccine manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry. Complete report on Hepatitis A Vaccine market spreads across 111 pages profiling companies and supported with tables and figures. A substantial amount of data is scanned by our team that analyzes trends and achieves systematic evaluation. Our enormous think tank of talents from varied domains evaluate every standpoint and determine every gap, pertaining to each deliverable. Get Sample Copy of Hepatitis A Vaccine market 2020-2025 at: h...