ACROSS FLORIDA — As the number of infected Floridians continues to mount, state health officials are pulling out all stops to convince residents to get vaccinated against hepatitis A. However, the state has yet to clear the single hurdle preventing everyone from getting vaccinated - the cost. Since Jan. 1, 2018, 3,223 Floridians have tested positive for hepatitis A. Of those who tested positive, 71 percent, or 2,071 people, have been hospitalized and 39 have died. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called this the largest outbreak of the virus since the hepatitis A vaccine became available in 1995. In addition to Florida, the CDC is monitoring outbreaks in 29 other states. The unprecedented number of cases prompted Florida Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees to declare a statewide public health emergency on Aug. 1. Additionally, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis asked the CDC to assist the Department of Health in helping to control the unparalleled rise in the disease in the Su...